Lady Lee, I think you have drawn a fascinating connection. I never really thought about it too much, but grew up thinking my family never loved me and after never in my life ever getting anything I ever prayed for (and I don't mean material things), sometime in my 30's I came to believe God didn't care about me either. It was probably earlier than that really, but was probably cemented in my 30's. I do remember praying to Satan once for some powers as a teen, since praying to God didn't seem to be working out for me too well. lol. He didn't answer me either. Good thing, or I would have been terrified. It really is about that sense of powerlessness and needing desperately to be rescued by someone... anyone!
Posey, I understand your point but I think you are missing the big picture. Sexual abuse affects every single aspect of your life and relationships in some way. Victims are often so shut down emotionally that they are unaware of the ways they are affected until someones asks the right questions. Sometimes its difficult for them to come to conclusions about anything because any conclusions they were to draw in life were beaten into them.
Bringing something into awareness, no matter what it is, no matter how painful or personal it is the first step to healing. Believe me, our feelings about God one way or the other, which is something external and somewhat remote after all, are nowhere as painful as our feelings of pain about our bodies or families which are much more immediate. It is just peeling another layer of the onion.